PinnedMicro Front Ends with Angular Elements — Web ComponentsThe main goal is to break the complete website in web components that don’t affect the user experience.Aug 27, 20195Aug 27, 20195
Left to Right Songs for your Head — 3D Sounds 💥💥💥 (Spotify Playlist)The best compilation of songs that use the left and right channels, exposing a mind blowing sounds to your head.Aug 30, 2019Aug 30, 2019
Mutation Testing(>Coverage) — Typescript Angular — Mocha, Jest, and JasmineMutation testing the way to evaluate code strength and put a test the coverage report.Apr 14, 20191Apr 14, 20191
How to expose a local web server to the internet fast and easy with ngrokWhen you are using a local server for any random stuff (develop, gaming, etc…), most of the time you want this local server to be…Sep 19, 2018Sep 19, 2018
How to deploy an Angular 4/5/6 app on Holochain blockchain — DAppsFirst of all, what’s Holochain and why is this new blockchain architecture different from others?Jun 20, 2018Jun 20, 2018
LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LA COMUNICACIÓN COMO HERRAMIENTAS PARA EL DESARROLLO HUMANO EN…Han transcurrido unos quinientos años desde que el incipiente Estado Moderno vio su aparición en su versión absolutista, propia de las…May 3, 2016May 3, 2016
TodoList with AngularJS(Frontend), ExpressJS(Backend) and MySQLToday we’re going to develop TodoList web app, for the frontend let’s use AngularJS, for the backend we’re going to use ExpressJS to manage…Apr 11, 2016Apr 11, 2016
Generate a .html with the Ebay Categories Tree by terminal and save it in a sqlite DBAt the end we’re going to generate a .html file that would look like the image above.Mar 18, 20161Mar 18, 20161
Colombia, un país con grandes características, golpeado por la corrupción que debe ser construido…En un país, donde muchas personas solo pronuncian su nombre cuando el equipo de fútbol se encuentra en las etapas finales, o un ciclista de…Feb 2, 2016Feb 2, 2016